"Yes, the enigma will surrender its key, the Sphinx will speak."



The term "United States of Europe" (French: États-Unis d'Europe) was used by Victor Hugo, including during a speech at the International Peace Congress held in Paris in 1849. Hugo favoured the creation of "a supreme, sovereign senate, which will be to Europe what parliament is to England" and said: "A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood ... A day will come when we shall see ... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas".Hugo planted a tree in the grounds of his residence on the Island of Guernsey and was noted in saying that when this tree matured the United States of Europe would have come into being. This tree to this day is still growing in the gardens of Maison de Hauteville, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Victor Hugo's residence during his exile from France.




关于Bishop Bienvenu,一开始不解为什么要在开头花大篇章写主教的故事,读完后可以理解是雨果给出的时代背景,理论的冲突。虽然主教有他自己的观念,但他不去批判与他观念不同的理念。比起纷繁错杂的格局,他更在乎的个人的苦痛与灵魂的救赎,也就是悲惨世界的主题之一。在个人的力量无法与这个世界争衡的时候,或者无法积极地带来改革的话,主教对他人的关怀,包容也算是一种济世。

"Does human nature change so thoroughly and so radically? Can the human being created good by God be made wicked by man? Can the soul be completely remade by fate and, being ill-fated, become ill-natured? Can the heart grow deformed and develop incurable ugliness and infirmities under the pressure of inordinate misfortune, like the spine under too low a vault? Is there not in every human soul, was there not in the soul of Jean Valjean in particular, an original spark, a divine element, incorruptible in this world, immortal in the next, which goodness is capable of nurturing, stoking, kindling, fanning into a glorious blaze of brilliance, and which evil can never wholly extinguish?" 

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that you are loved, loved for yourself, better still, loved despite yourself.

-IV, Book Three

He had been sent back to prison, this time for good behavior. fresh resentments had brewed within him. disgust and weariness overcame him once more. Even the memory of the bishop suffered what might have been a temporary eclipse, possible to appear bright and triumphant again later, but undoubtedly the sacred memory was fading. who knows whether jean Valjean was on the verge of losing heart and relapsing? He loved, and he became strong again. Alas! He was hardly any less unsteady on his feet than was Cosette. He protected her and she bolstered him. Thanks to him, she could make her way in life. Thanks to her, he could continue on the path of virtue. he was the child’s support, and he child was his stay.Oh unfathomable and divine mystery of destiny’s counterbalances! 

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